About Bevin

Requiring tambourines at all attempts at enlightenment since 1997.

Weird Al in concert? Oh yeah!

You can guess where we were last night. Josh got off of work early and we drove down to the Puyallup fair to get in line early for Weird Al. His show didn’t start until 7:30pm, but because there was limited free seating to the show we wanted to get there early. That, and well, there was probably going to be lots of traffic going south.

Another reason we left early to get in line was because Lisa was working that day and also wanted to go to the show, but she couldn’t leave West Seattle until 4:30pm. We figured that it really wouldn’t be enough time to get in line, so we ended up leaving separately.

The show was tons of fun, but very long and very loud. Now I like loud concerts as much as the next person, but the three of us decided that the sound levels for the higher ranges were much too loud. After the show our ears were ringing and we could barely hear anything! Towards the end I was actually starting to get annoyed at the lack of quality when it came to their sound.

But, he did do quite a few songs from his new album, including “White & Nerdy”, which was a lot of fun. He did a medley of songs from previous albums and his current one, including part of “You’re Pitiful”. Fun times! Of course he performed a few of the classics that he’d get beat up for if he didn’t do, such as “Yoda,” “The Saga Begins,” and “Amish Paradise.”

Most of the older songs were done in pretty much the same way with the same costumes, but it was still a lot of fun. He even sang “Wanna B Ur Lovr”! He donned a cheesy red suit and wandered around the audience. At one point he was standing on chairs and the whole bit. -grin-

One of the best parts though was when he sang Albuquerque! I haven’t seen him perform that in concert yet, and I just figured that it’d be a hard one to do because it was so long. But apparently not! That was a lot of fun.

Our seats were pretty good, and we didn’t feel squished in the stands at all. Neither did it get cold, which I was pretty happy about. At one point he was singing a short-ish song about cell phones (taken from a Weird Al TV interview) and we all had our cell phones out waving them around in the dark, which was fun. A few people broke out their lighters for the occasion when the slow songs came on.

The concert was pretty long, and I think that was because in order to have enough time to change outfits between sets he would play a little video or clip on the two large screens to either side of the stage (and the one big one on stage), which takes up a good bit of time if he does it after every song, you know? So a normal hour and a half concert with all those videos makes for very little singing, hence the extra length.

Every concert performer these days seems to assume that they’re going to do an encore, enough that crowds kind of expect it and don’t bother to show the enthusiasiam that is usually needed to convince them to come back on stage and do another song. That, however, didn’t seem to apply to this crowd, because as soon as he left the stage everyone around us was shouting “encore!” until they came back out. They had planned to, but I guess the crowd wanted to be sure, haha.

He also performed “Polkarama,” which was a lot of fun. He seemed to use the accordion a lot, which was pretty neat. During the Star Wars songs it was great; he had a bunch of people in storm trooper costumes kinda dancing behind him while he sang the song, and when the chorus would come around they’d all turn together and do a little dance. Totally amusing!

If it wasn’t so dark I probably would have gotten better pictures, but as it is I didn’t want to bother everyone with my digital camera’s bright screen, nor the flash, so I used neither. That kind of makes it hard to know how far you’ve zoomed in and whether the picture is fuzzy though, so I only have this one picture to offer:

Weird Al at the Puyallup Fair

In the end the concert was a lot of fun, though the loudness really messed with me internally. I hadn’t eaten much that day and nothing at the fair really appealed to me, so after Josh and I got back to the car I started to feel a bit nauseous and I had a headache. Ah well, I feel all better today.

I hear that Weird Al is also going to be performing at the Yakima fair, and if it’s anything like last time Josh and I saw him there, I really recommend going! You might have to stand in line a bit and sit on metal bleachers, but the venue is a bit smaller than Puyallup so you’ll get a good view no matter where you are. And if you’re cheap and hardcore like Josh and I, you can even do the whole trip in one day and come home right after the show.

You really should try it! “Woo” for Weird Al!

Jack McDevitt – Chindi

So it looks like I got duped. Not just me, but Josh too. Josh always heard this Jack McDevitt series talked about in terms of this book, “Chindi,” and the next book, “Omega.” Neither of us ever figured that there was a first book. A book called Deepsix.

Alas, it looks like that was the case. After going to the Amazon page for the book today to get a link I skimmed the page and discovered that this was book two. When I first figured this out I was quite annoyed, but now that I’ve started writing this post I’ve realized that I didn’t really notice while I was reading the book, so I shouldn’t knock it too much. It’s a good sign for a book really, in the end.

On to what I thought eh? I actually quite enjoyed the book. It was one of those wide-reaching “big” feeling books, yet it didn’t feel like a space opera. That kind of thing I have trouble with sometimes, because I’m not always in the mood for them. The book starts out with our main character, Hutch, who is a well-received space pilot. Some crazy group of people thinks there’s something more out there in space and they need her to fly their new-fangled ship.

Basically the story is their adventure, but while the implications of this adventure could affect their whole world, much of that is only slightly touched on, which I actually really liked. There is the requisite travel between worlds, the untimely death of well-liked characters, and aliens!

This book really wants you to keep reading it without putting it down, and it’s hard to turn a book like this down when it’s asking you so nicely. I read it over the course of a few days while in California with Josh.

Apologies for not making this review more in-depth, but I have to do some other stuff before I leave Tully’s today. Maybe I’ll edit this entry later, but I probably won’t get around to it, heh.

All in all… 4 out of 5 stars.

Fudge is actually good for you

In that not-so-much kind of way.

On Saturday when Josh and I went around looking for things to do in Seattle, we did a couple of things:

  • Ate lunch at Uwajimaya
  • Bought a kilt at the Utilikilt store
  • Walked along the pier
  • Drank a Passion Iced Tea from Starbucks
  • Bought fudge

Yeah, I know, we don’t need fudge. But they had so many yummy flavors, so we just got the two kinds. Vanilla Caramel, and Peanut Butter Chocolate. Yes, it was quite delicious:


Other than that, I’ve been inspired to fly my stunt kite more now that I’ve been to Gasworks Park recently. I have one, but I haven’t done much with it because it’s been in the basement on the Island for awhile and while there, the string got very grimy. Josh says that the integrity of the string might have been compromised, which makes me worry about using it high winds. In the end though, we figured that we could not fly the kite because we’re worried about the string breaking, or we could fly it and have the potential for it to break. If it does, we can’t fly the kite, which is where we were before.

One day though, I would like to get a parasail style kite like the one this guy had (his kite is the darker green one on the right):


Now tell me that isn’t cool! His kite was so large and professional-looking that he had gigantic black handles/sticks at the end of the strings; it looked so cool!

Since I’m thinking about it, maybe I should go parasailing and bring some knitting, just so I can start some kind of world record or something. Extreme knitting? Is that at all like Extreme Ironing?

More at Gasworks Park

I took many more pictures than that are in the last post, and while I strongly suggest that you take a look at the photo album in my Gallery, I know it’s a chore to navigate to another site. My two readers can’t reasonably be expected to go there on their own time, so here we go: I’ll post a picture or two once and awhile in the blog. Woo!

Gasworks Path

I was thinking about being at Gasworks Park as I was getting this entry ready and decided to take a look on Wikipedia to see if they have anything to say about it. And they do! Check out the Wikipedia article on Gasworks Park here. There’s a lot of interesting stuff there, so go take a look if you get a chance.

I was also thinking about blogging in general today. Some folks on Ravelry were asking about what makes a good blogger, and there were a lot of good responses. But in the end I concluded that being a good blogger really isn’t my goal. I mean, sure it’d be nice to have hundreds (or even thousands!) of readers, but that sounds like a lot of pressure just to feel well liked. Sure, that wouldn’t be the only thing I’d get out of it, but that would probably be my motivation in the end. I have no desire to have people come to me or my blog for useful information… that’s not the kind of work/effort I want to put into it.

In the end I want this blog so that I can look back on it and read/remember what I was up to during one time or another, and also so that I can see how my opinions or feelings on things have evolved over time. Because I certainly notice it for some things, but I’m afraid that I’ll forget a lot of it.

I’m always asking my parents about things that happened to them when they were younger and they have trouble remembering. That’s understandable, but when I have all of this new technology available to me that make it incredibly easy to document my life, I figure, “why not?” It’s like those people who take a photo of themselves once a day for years, and you can see how they alter and change over time. It’s really neat, and I don’t feel like it takes up much time. Even blogging isn’t that time-consuming, and when it is I really enjoy it because I’m tweaking with the layout or discovering a new widget to add to the sidebar.

Anyway. It’d be more than wonderful to think that there are people I know who read this thing, but in the end I have to remember that that’s not why I’m doing it. Sure it’s cool to think that someday someone might use their microphone and record me an audio comment, or that they’d comment at all on the blog, but I shouldn’t rely on that to feel good about it.

I’ve said to a few people that one day I think it’d be really great to get my blog printed out and bound into a real book. It’d be a nice amalgam between the future and the past, don’t you think? I hope to keep this blog going for years, and maybe I can have a bookshelf one day with hardbound books there, all lined up and in chronological order ready for me to reread in a few years when I’ve forgotten everything.

Of course there’s the issue that my books are no longer protected. They’re just out there, in the open, for anyone to read. Sure, that’s exactly what I’m doing with my blog, but in theory I could delete any post that I no longer liked, or immediately make my whole internet presence private with the click of my mouse. I can’t do that with a book… it’ll always be sitting there waiting for somebody to pick up and read it.

I worry about these things because I’m experiencing what everybody does: Every day I think more and more that I was an idiot in high school. Not in a really obvious sense, but I can definitely see areas where I’ve matured, and I’m not sure that I want/need people reading back that far and seeing that part of me. Maybe in a decade or two when I feel more separated from that period of my life I’ll feel more okay with it.

We’ll see how things turn out. I’m not really in a financial position to get these entries printed and bound anyway, so it’ll be awhile. Let’s just hope the whole of the internet doesn’t crash and lose all its data. Then I’d really be screwed.

Gallery2 Permalinks

I had this whole cool post made up about how cool permalinks were, but then it turns out that I can’t even use them that way in my blog. They’re still cool, just not all that relevant. So I guess I’ll just stick with the picture that I’d intended on posting.

As it turns out though, while Gallery2 does support permalinks, they’re permanent links to the gallery page displaying the picture, not just the picture itself. But, as it turns out, Josh is brilliant and figured out that if he copied the image location and then moved the image, the link would still work! What does this mean? It means that I can put pictures into my blog that are any size I want. Totally awesome.

To further illustrate my point (and because I just want to) I’m going to include in this entry a picture that I took at Gasworks Park last Saturday. A lot of folks were there hanging out watching the kite flyers.

Gasworks Benchwarmers

I’m at Tully’s this afternoon drinking a grande iced lavender latte. Mmm.

These aren't mine, they're ours

I know that I don’t have my website up yet, but really, I’m thinking about it all the time.  Ha!  I will get it up sometime soon.  In the meantime though, I do have a photo gallery set up at my domain, which I have been adding pictures to on a regular basis.  Few people read this blog; fewer visit my photo gallery, but I think it’s worth mentioning that it’s now my gallery that Josh adds to.  Sure that sounds a little confusing, but really Josh takes a lot of nice pictures that are better added to the gallery by him than by me.  Those pictures will say, Owner: Josh when it’s something he’s uploaded.  He even has his own main album set up!

Some of you may see a photo and fall in love… some of you may take that feeling and end up in a place where you are “borrowing” that photo to use somewhere in your corner of the internet.  Whether it’s Flickr, your own blog or your own personal collection, it’s not cool to take our photos.  It’s happened before, and really, Josh and I don’t want to have to send angry take-down notices all the time.  Got it?

I wouldn’t think to mention it if it hadn’t happened before.  We’re cool if you like our photos, we’re even cool with you asking to use them… we just want you to ask.  We’ll usually say yes.

I haven’t done that little “rant” here on my blog yet (I don’t think), so I figure now is as good a time as any to do it.

I do have quite a few more photos uploaded into the gallery though… it might be worth checking out.  Especially if you like Gasworks Park.  And puppies.

Now we've got it

Now that I seem to have this picture thing worked out, I’ll mention a bit about them.  I have my online web gallery that is publicly viewable, so of course not all of my nice pictures will go here.  I’ll try to limit it to one per post, but we’ll see.

Man, watch out in the future, because I could easily put at least one in every entry and this blog could take awhile to load.  I’ll try to keep it to a minimum.

So what does everybody think about iPhoto ’08?  Do you like it?  I have to say that the events feature is growing on me in the end, now that Josh worked some coding magic to get the event renaming working.  It does get kind of hard though to name an “event” when all of the pictures in it are just about my knitting.  But I didn’t go anywhere!

I’ve been thinking about the quality of my posts lately and slowly convincing myself that they’re, well… sucky.  I’m going to try to work on that, even if this blog is really only for myself in the end.

Oh, and to be even more random in this post, guess what we’re watching right now?  That indie-ish movie called But I’m A Cheerleader!  Good times, it’s pretty funny.

I think I’m going to change my blog layout as well… the more time that goes by, the more I end up really disliking it.  (insert shameless self promotion here)  Leave me a comment about what you think!


I think I need to start going back to using a “word of the day” as my subject for these posts… I’d almost forgotten that I did that in the past!

Either way, I think I have a nice way to put pictures in the blog. Let’s try something! Josh and I had a good time off at Bellevue Downtown Park (right by the mall) playing frisbee and generally having a good time out in the sun.

Let’s hope this worked. Yay for pictures!

Lots of coffee for me today

I always think that I’m going to write some deep post in this blog here, but when I get around to opening the blank page I look at the subject line and I immediately start thinking of funny or amusing things.  Once that happens I seem to “forget” that I was planning on actually writing something substantial after all and all is lost.   Oh well.

This morning I’ve had two coffees.  Oops.  My mom called pretty early and wanted to meet me at 8am to go to Specialty’s at the mall here, so we came and I had two things: a grande iced vanilla latte (which was delicious) and a cranberry scone (which was slightly delicious).  I picked up some scones for my dad and his coworkers, then came to Tully’s here at the mall to hang out until Josh went on lunch.  Because I had the ride to the mall in the first place I decided that it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience to carry the laptop home as long as I didn’t have to do it here, heh.

Hence this post!  Woohoo!

My uncle is in trouble again… I don’t know what we’re going to do with him really.  He called me on my cellphone randomly and said that his car wasn’t working and on the side of 405.  I was asked to call my dad (he wasn’t able to contact him… probably because he tried calling his cell) and possibly my mom if I couldn’t reach him.  Some Incident Response Team arrived on the scene (Josh says they patrol the highways for this purpose) and last I heard from my mom Uncle Joe was talking to them.

I’m not really sure what the Incident Response Team is for though… I mean, usually the person isn’t in the car when they arrive (usually they’ve been abandoned), so do they have towing capability, or do they just mark the cars and call them in to be towed later in the day?  If you know leave me a comment.

I’m going to bail on this post because I just got a call from my mom asking me if my uncle can hang out with me for the rest of the day until my dad gets off of work, because she has to go pick him up in Totem Lake and go back to work herself.  -sigh-

But Bev, the event isn't over yet…

We’ve officially got the iPod Touch!

What does it mean for you? It means that you could have an iPhone without the phone part. A full touch screen face…

I mean, really, what else could one want? Well, lots of things I suppose.

Oh, and in other news, guess what I’m using? A pair of Bose Quiet Comfort II’s. Yep, those are the noise-canceling headphones. I literally can’t hear myself typing on the laptop, nor can I hear the fan or the road noise outside. Very awesome! Of course, I’m not sure if it’s as awesome that my inaugural listen on the laptop is of a band called Brad Sucks. Haha!

I’m off to watch the rest of the event and see what the specs are. The new iPod Classics will come in 80GB and 160GB sizes at the same old price points. w00t!

This new iPod Touch has wifi!  And a Safari button on the home screen!  -dances-