I miss platzes.
Tag Archives: vienna2015
Was actively hostile with TSA, because I had time to kill. Almost managed to make one of them mad.
Keep up the useless job and apparently good anger management training guys!
My internal clock says it’s 9:10pm. My phone says 2:10, and it’s just after noon where I’ll be in a few hours.
Time zones are weeeeird.
This is a week’s supply…
Today is Sunday June 7th. When the clock changes to June 8th for us we will have been in Sunday June 7th for 33 hours.
There’s a rooftop deck connected to our room and I wanted to capture a panorama before we left on our last morning.

(Okay so it turns out that I already posted a panorama. Well, forget that one–this one is better. In fact, if you see that one on the street tell it to go back where it came from and to stop bothering you or you’ll call the police)
One last visit…
Requiem at Karlskirche
Going to Karlskirche to see a performance of Mozart’s Requiem played on period instruments. Here are some quick shots.
The rather impressive cathedral. Incidentally the first cathedral we encountered when we arrived, so it holds a special place in our hearts.

The high alter of Karlskirche, in front of which the orchestra and vocalists will perform.

The view straight up into the dome above us. (being renovated)
After the concert I took a couple more pictures. Sadly Requiem does not call for usage of the organ.