So it’s been a few days since a real post. It took me a bit to get up the energy to pull out all the yarn I got and take pictures of it, and I didn’t want to post until I’d done so. Just no motivation for awhile.
But I have to say that the expo was a lot of fun. Josh’s mom picked me up at 8am, and we headed south to the SeaTac Marriott hotel. It was about as small as I expected, but it was still nice to browse around all the yarn nevertheless. Newman’s Yarns was there and having a wonderful sale… $7/skein and 50% the retail price of cones. Both Teena and I ended up getting some stuff from that booth, although she bought a bit more than I did. I just got two skeins of this wonderfully soft brown/pink/cream/hint-of-blue bouclé yarn… and the sticker price was $16.50! Once we realized that it was only $7 each, I just had to get two. And in the end it was great that I only got two, despite how nice the yarn was. Teena got about 4 of one color and two of another color, to make a scarf for Thom’s dad.
That was about all we bought at the expo… most vendors aren’t about to offer special deals or anything… it’s just a nice way to have a bunch of yarn in one place, heh.
So the night before this expo at 11:30pm I went onto knittyboard and happened upon a post about a yarn sale at the Cascade Yarns warehouse, Saturday only, 10:30am-2pm. Turns out that this address (from the ad on Craigslist) was only 2mi down the road! A mere 5mins from where we were already going to be. And really, how much time can one really spend on an expo as small as that in the end?
Because of my good fortune to find that ad, we decided to check it out. I didn’t expect much, but after we killed some time getting coffee and headed down there, I was very surprised. Here was a nondescript warehouse with big sign taped to a truck saying
“Yarn Warehouse Sale Today Only” and a gigantic garage door open. There were about 6 cars outside, and a few people milling about.
Inside was pure yarn heaven really. I only say so because of how cheap everything turned out to be. I figured this sale would be remnants, or didn’t-turn-out-so-well colors, or something like that. Not true. These were overstock. Not bad colors or leftovers, these were just extras. Bags and bags of extras. The yarn was only being sold by the bag (10 skeins to a bag) but who cared? Each bag was only $2o! Every ball of yarn in those bags was worth between $7-$10 retail. One type of yarn there was worth $15/ball. But we were getting it for $2 each.
-sigh- It was so wonderful. There was some stuff I wasn’t interested in, like the ribbon yarns and eyelash yarns, but they did have Cascade 220 in black, which is a great felting yarn. They had some Cascade 128 Tweed in a light cream, so I got a bag of that too. They had a lot of felting yarn of some other type that they sell in many variegated colors and solid colors, so I got a bag of variegated mossy greens and a bag of variegated sunset colors (reds and oranges).
I got a bag of this purple/light blue/white colorway in a different yarn that is so bulky that they only sold it in bags of 5. But those bags were only $10, so buying two came out to the standard $20 for the sale. That was probably by far the prettiest yarn I got, but I only got the one bag. When buying in lots of $20 I had to skimp somewhere, so instead of buying two I just bought the one.
Wanna know how much I spent in the end? $90. Oof.
I had $10 left after I gave the woman all of my money. And that was a good thing because we had another stop on our itinerary. Kirkland Yarn & Stitchery is going out of business and having a sale all this month, and while there I ended up finding a nice sweater pattern for 30% off that I just had to buy. Good thing I had that $10.
The best part though? Josh totally understood! I had started out my day with $60, but before I left Josh was kind enough to give me another $60 “just in case.” And when I came home with a garbage bag full of yarn, he even said that next time there’s a sale like that we should save up and take something like a $200 budget. So very wonderful that man is.
In other knitting news, I’m getting further on my woven scarf, although I didn’t spend as much time at Tully’s this morning as I probably should have knitting it. But we’re getting along.
Oh, and my mom thought the sheep arm/hand -warmers were really cute, which is a good thing.
And I forgot, yesterday Josh and I went grocery shopping and while at Crossroads we went to JoAnn’s to see if they had any size 4 dpns. They didn’t, but we ended up getting some little beads instead, to put on the sheep as eyes. It should be cute!
That’s all for my knitting news as of late. Soon I’ll get some size 4 dpns to go with my 12″ circ and start knitting some socks. Mmm.