Saw that movie last night with Josh. It was quite a fun night actually… I walked down to the sushi place on 10th and got some mango bubble tea, then off to the post office, then off to see the movie. Afterwards Josh and I went for pizza… mmm! We still have leftovers.
As far as the movie is concerned, I liked it. It should be apparent to anyone with a brain that it isn’t the movie to go to if you have trouble with gore, but because it was so stylized I certainly didn’t mind it. I think the style they were going for was the “Sin City” comic book style, staying over the top. Josh was trying to explain to me that they were trying to take the real-life story and turn it into a mythological one, which is the opposite of the way things are usually done.
I have to say that as a representative of the female persuasion I certainly didn’t mind the Spartan outfits, although I hear that those aren’t even close to historically accurate. If you want to see a bunch of men running around in leather “war speedos” (as Josh calls them) with pecks that will poke your eyes out, this movie is for you. Seriously, their stomachs looked so hard that the Terminator himself would go “Ow!” if he tried to punch them. Keep in mind that there’s a lot of killing though, so you’ll have to close your eyes during 75% of the movie. -grin-
Overall, I think I’d actually give it an 8 or 9.