and already worn out
Author Archives: Josh
we get one too!
fresh off the train
2nd breakfast
2nd flight, Frankfurt to Vienna had a much more interesting breakfast than the transcontinental did… Bev is pleased with her yogurt.
Mostly she was pleased that it’s box was disguised as a picnic basket.
it came with some delicious cookies, which I took a picture of the wrapper for, because why not?
lots of money in big planes
big plane!
Guess the airport…
How white do I have to be before people realize I don’t do the secret handshakes?
The terrifying reality of the scope of the delusion…
Today I find myself out in Gresham, spending the morning at one coffee shop, and the afternoon at the other.
Imagine you didn’t know anything about any of this, a complete alien, dropped into this room. This one group is literally talking about hearing voices, and doing what they say. Another is advocating for his friend to visit someone who will touch their head and heal their injury. This morning I heard a guy who said how great it was that his doctor had been “given the gift of healing” (and had given him medicine). Further listening reveals the phrase “no earthly body can judge us”, and “the purpose of life is to seek redemption from the evil and curses given to you at birth, which were put there to drive you to god”. “Medical science wouldn’t even be necessary if people realized they could take great joy in sickness from the promise of heaven and perfection.” followed by “3 years ago I had a quadruple bypass” was just the icing on the cake.
If you were an alien with no cultural basis to understand that certain delusions are considered “normal” and heard these things, this entire place would be terrifying. These people are suffering from command delusions and are only 1 step away from thinking that killing you is doing you a favor. Flee, flee! Burn it with fire from orbit before it spreads!
And they vote!
be polite, be kind, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet
Or, in the case of Vegas “every douchebag in the general vicinity who is rudely blowing smoke in your face or stumbling around with no regard for anyone around them”.
There are simply not enough kidney punches going on around here. (Except the alcoholic kind I suppose.)