Solo from another angle

Got a couple of videos and pictures of my first solo from my instructor.

He’s done this a number of times before, but I imagine at least the first few times you send a student off on their own it must be a little nerve wracking to watch.

Here are the videos of me taking off and then coming back! We have two runways at Denton and the larger closer one is closed for re-paving this month, so I’m off on the smaller one in the distance. Don’t worry, I’m well clear of all those dirt piles and construction trucks. 🙂

And off into the sky I go!
Silky smooth landing…

There’s a tradition in aviation of cutting off a student’s shirt tails after their first solo.
Back in “the day” most training aircraft had seats front-and-back rather than side-by-side, and the student sat in front. The instructor would tug on the student’s shirt tails to get their attention so they could give them instructions via hand signal. Cutting off the student’s shirt tail became a tradition that meant that the student was ready to fly on their own without the instructor tugging on them all the time.

Considering how much more I’ve learned just in the few days since then, I’m not sure that tradition wasn’t a bit premature! 😀

Josh getting his shirt tails cut off
Bye bye shirt tails!
Josh and instructor Nathan holding removed shirt tail in front of airplane.
N2112G is now officially my favorite plane to fly.
Josh holding his shirt tails in front of the plane
It was a beautiful night to fly. 100% would do again, if you can’t tell by my grin.

And on top of all that it was instructor Nathan’s birthday! So we sent him off to have a birthday dinner and I helped one of other instructors push all the planes back in, all with my back hangin’ out since I left my other shirt in the car. 😀

And what did I do next? Went to see a movie with my buddy Bradley, who is learning to fly at a different school and had a big test the next morning. We needed a brain break, and Deadpool & Wolverine provided it!

The shirt I picked was one that I had brought home from my recent trip to Seattle to help clean out my grandfather’s apartment after he passed. The colors remind me of him, and I figured if I’m going to have parts of a shirt framed and hanging on my wall I might as well have two memories out of it! Grandpa spent almost his entire career working at Boeing and worked in different areas on various planes. I brought home most every memento that he had collected. The day before my solo, on my way out for that day’s flight I stopped and got the mail and got some items Mom had found and sent me. I had tossed them into my flight bag, and forgot to take them out. So these items went with me on my solo, as well as my next solo the next morning!

Grandpa had a collection of these sorts of things, presumably from events he went to. Other than the 777, I don’t actually know if he was involved in these specific programs or if he just went to the events, or maybe just bought them in the gift shop, I really don’t know! I picked a couple to show here because they’re from the year I was born, which seemed cool. 100th 767 on July 24th 1984, the 600th 747 on July 27th 1984, and the rollout of the first 737-300 January 17 1984, as well as a 777 pin, which was a program I know he worked on.

In other flying news, yesterday I flew to Ardmore Oklahoma and back, which is about 45 minutes one-way. We’re in the phase of training where we’re learning about how to plan and execute long cross-country trips. Pretty fun, and plenty more to learn!

2 Replies to “Solo from another angle”

  1. You must be on cloud 9, lol. Congrats on losing your shirt tails!