
Vienna museum visitor protip: bring headphone splitter and headphones.
Would be much easier than holding listening device to ear, and could be shared!

Waking up


These are the stairs to the rooftop deck, and then the view from the deck. It’s pretty nice in the mornings, although from a weather standpoint it’s unfortunately the most tolerable temperature of the day (from Josh’s perspective at least). Later it gets HOT.

Stairs to the private rooftop deck
And the view
A panorama

Unbearably close to the Vox Dei


dear organists who practice after the building is closed to the public: it’s not fair and I hate you.
I could FEEL the cathedral doors shaking when I put my ear up to them.

On the other hand I got to hear part of a service in two other cathedrals, so that’s a bit better at least.