Leaving SF was the first time our mighty ship has had the assistance of a tug this entire voyage. I assume due to some Californian nanny-state law about how they’ll do it FOR you thankyouverymuch…
Alcatraz… Glad we escaped you. An imposing island to be sure.
Here comes the bridge!
Photo dump of us passing under the bridge:
Right about here the fog horn blew until the bridge of the ship had passed under the bridge. That was fun!
I swear it looked like we had maybe 20 to 40 feet of clearance. The best shot back at the city I could get with the horde of people on deck:
Rare shot of us! Very windy at this point. Basically the minute you pass under the bridge you’re no longer sheltered. In fact we could see the weather out ahead.
It suddenly got rather choppy. The actual shore of California. Nice location for a VA hospital.
Looking back to the south of the entrance to the bay. That’s a lot of houses.
We did an S-turn to create a leeward side of the ship so one seriously brave dude could leap across the open ocean into his tiny boat. Amazing bunch these pilots.
The sharp turn back to the north had us listing quite hard. It’s hard to see here, but it was impressive.
And then our pilot just waited out there for the next boat and the next pilot.
Sixth and lastly, my most terrible attempt at soft-serve yet.