Okay, I REALLY want to head over to the range and punch holes in paper right now. Really really. Why so interested? I think I just want to challenge myself!
Author Archives: Josh
Bleep it!
Here’s what I’m curious about. Why is bleeping words considered acceptable, or even useful? They very clearly just beeped the “hi” from “shit”. It didn’t obfuscate the word at ALL. What was the point? Everyone who knows, knows, and everyone who doesn’t figures it out.
Here’s an idea. Ratings. We have perfectly good technology. Although I find arbitrary ratings systems just as objectionable as bleeping! It’s my choice what I find objectionable, what words I find offensive. Don’t push your morals on me, don’t choose what I get to see.
How about all shows are read through a voice recognition app and creates a transcript for your show. Then you can create your own list of words you find offensive. If an show contains certain words (or too many offensive words) it will just warn you!
Never let anyone think for you. Do it yourself.
On natural laws…
There are several undeniable natural laws at work here.. Newton’s third law would seem the most relevant (Every action has an equal and opposite reaction) and “natural”, but I think the “Law of Unintended Consequences” is what I’m going to make an argument for.
In short, I bought a new brand of deodorant, and now I must learn how to clean deodorant stains out of a dark shirt.
There’s a reason I fear change. Unintended Consequences indeed.
Why no observer patterns? (Pt. 2)
Immediately after posting the last article I started thinking about how this could work. Let’s assume a RESTful Rails based project.
Things we want to observe: Resources.
Done! That was easy!
So: http://daedalusdreams.com/observers/ would show you a list of things you could “subscribe” to, and indicate which of them you were already subscribed to. This would require you to be logged-in (openID) and have your own site’s URL tied to your login. (Thought: OpenID metadata?) Then you could simply say “I am interested in blogposts, microblog posts, and any new images you post.”
Then I, as daedalusdreams.com, would have an option when I went to submit a blogpost: “Notify Observers?”. (Maybe it would only appear if this resource had people actually observing it?)
I should speak briefly on the core principle of this system and the reason I started thinking about it. People often think I am against “social networking”. In reality, what I am really against is personality fragmentation. I refuse to have a twitter AND a myspace AND a facebook AND a linkedin AND a flickr AND a del.icio.us AND twitpic AND youtube AND…. I AM daedalusdreams.com, and everything about me should be in this single place. (Subject to needing additional hosting/bandwidth, but that can still all be linked to daedalusdreams.com and found here.)
I’ve just discovered something called WebHooks.? I think I’ll go read about that for a while. Looks interesting.
Why no observer patterns?
The observer pattern is really quite handy:
“Hey, you, the dude responsible for managing Josh’s twitter posts! Let me know when he posts something new! My address is…”
That’s basically it. It works in Cocoa, it works in SproutCore (Javascript), it works in Rails.. Why has it never been taken to a wider scale?? I understand that pushing to users is difficult due to the “statelessness” of HTTP, but “push”ing between servers with static IP/Hostnames should be decently trivial.
REST, JSON, SSL, toss out any number of acronyms you want. It’s doable in a number of different ways. So why isn’t it common? Why can’t I subscribe to your blog and have it notify me when you make a new post? Forcing me to poll your RSS feed periodically to see if you’ve made a new post is, shall we say, fucking backwards and wrong!!
So what are the real challenges here?
- Callback address. What if a registered observer changes their callback URL? How do we address them?
- How do we authorize changes? Must research OpenID/OAuth and see if there are systems that might work for this.
- Sufficiently extensible and user-definable. No locking the user profile into ONLY having fields like “favorite pet” and “smoker y/n”. No limiting the language used.
What might this look like?? If I (joshproehl.com) want to obsevre events at daedalusdreams.com I could send this:
And then when daedalusdreams.com makes a change to the blogposts it would know to send this:
I’m having trouble visualizing both exactly how this would work, and why it might not. I think it may be time to start diagramming some things out.
Continue reading in Part 2
My kind of “fantasy”…
I make no secret of the fact that I consider fantasy to generally be “fluffy”. Fluffy can be fun, but generally I like a story that has something to tell you, or something interesting to say. That said, I listen to both Escape Pod (for all my deep-thought sci-fi needs) and Podcastle (sometimes you just want to heard about dragons).?
The latest episode of Podcastle certainly fulfilled both “fun” and “thoughtful” though! Episode 49, “Return of the Warrior” is quite enjoyable, and I highly recommend that you go and listen to it! It’s only 25 minutes, which isn’t a huge time investment, so no excuses!?
This story is written very much in the “short story” form, designed to get it’s point across in the minimum of words. It manages to add enough humor to make you grin, but include enough depth to make you go “ah hah!”. And that’s all I really want to say about it. Just go listen. 🙂
Easter music junkie has withdrawls
For the second year in a row, Easter morning is no more than just another day. No getting up early, no stressing out about 3 different choirs that need managing, and no practicing for weeks for the giant fanfare postlude.
I think I miss it!
Continue reading Easter music junkie has withdrawls
Better blog format!
Yes, WordPress’s <!–more–> link is handy… Didn’t know about that before. I shall now use it to help you from seeing crap that you’re not interested in. Much happier this way! (I no longer have to decide if I want to keep the pushups category on the front-page or not. I’ll just make it less annoying!)
Pushups for 2009/04/09 (40)
Wherein I start out to do something good and end up getting annoyed.
Predictability in UI design
So today I had the dubious pleasure of working all afternoon on UI design in Cocoa, and then UI design in Rails/CSS/HTML.?
Going from one to the other really highlights some of the problems in doing web-based design!
My big issue with writing in HTML/CSS is? predictability. I do not? enjoy wondering if something is going to render properly, or if a particular CSS attribute is going to work the way it ought to.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong. Maybe CSS doesn’t suck as bad as I seem to think. But until I can say “you, the content box! Size yourself to fit around the content inside you and then position yourself in the center of the screen” just that easily…