5 minutes after getting on the bus to the airport.

Intentionally Unexpected
Brian and Julian left earlier this morning, but we don’t catch the bus until 2pm, so we’re gorging ourselves in Disney Springs.
I’ll post more pictures of our last day in Batuu (star wars!) once we’re home (tomorrow) but for now, we’re hiking back to Saratoga Springs to catch our magical express to the airport!
Animal kingdom is great. There is nowhere in the park that doesn’t feel great. It’s immersive and lush, there’s stuff to look at and cool plants and animals everywhere. Always a fun day.
But there’s nowhere quite like the valley of Mo’ara, on the moon Pandora.
We went back again, and I just took a bunch of pictures. Click continue reading for a view of whatever random things caught my fancy.
Continue reading More Pandora PicsSafariing? Safaring? Seafaring? No, definitely not that one.
Anyway, on to the animals!
We left Africa and headed back towards Everest, the Kali River Rapids. We’ll take our chances there the yeti dances.
It’s so empty, it’s really nice to look at the queue and feel like you’re on a hike through the valley to ride your Ikran!
Because we normally do fast pass rather than wait for 4 hours in the standby line, we haven’t actually seen parts of the queue! There are some really cool rooms in the standby line!
Next up, an African Safari, and then an encounter with a yeti.
You know animal kingdom is empty when Starbucks is a walk-on ride.
No rain clouds today. It’s going to be the hot sweaty kind of damp, not the warm drizzly kind of damp.
To Pandora!
We made it off the jungle cruise, it was harrowing and “pun”-ishing, but we made it back!
So we immediately went to skippers cantina for dinner and additional puns.
After dinner Emily needed a few more yo’s and ho’s, so we did pirates again.
After pirates we had some dole whip, and rode seven dwarves mine train again, because I’m a nerd for both pineapple and roller coasters, even cute baby ones. (and this one is pretty fun, even if it’s a baby one.)
After that Park was closing so it was time to head out. We made a stop in the Tangled bathrooms on the way, widely believed to be the best bathrooms in magic Kingdom. Their art supports this.
After a short break back at the room, Bevin has her pins organized and we’re headed over to Disney Springs for ice cream!
20,563 steps today, 9.94 miles.
Tomorrow, animal kingdom!
Photos behind the link, you know the drill!
Continue reading Additional magics