Doing it in the dark…

I was reminded that I haven’t made any updates about the flying lately. Well there’s a reason: there hasn’t been anything to show off, or even really to see!

I’ve been training for my Instrument Rating, which involves doing a lot of flying with a view limiting device on. There are a number of different view limiters, everything from foggy glasses to big hoods, but they all do the same thing: prevent you from seeing outside the plane. The goal is to practice flying as though we were in the clouds and only have our instruments to guide us.

In order to practice this we need a second pilot in the plane to act as a safety pilot and keep looking out the window to make sure we don’t run into anyone. This doesn’t have to be an instructor, so in order to save some money (sorry instructors!) we go out with another student and one of us simulates being in the clouds while the other acts as safety pilot. And we’ve mostly been doing it at night in the dark because one of the other things that we need to build hours for is night flying time. And also it’s much cooler at night.( Yes, I’m aware that it’s October. Apparently the sun is not. Still, I’ve been getting to almost 100 degrees during the day here.)

So there’s not a lot for me to show off. All I’ve seen for the last 30 hours of flying or so is this:

It’s all about not staring at the same instrument for too long…

Instrument flying is super fun for me though. It’s very by-the-numbers, very precise, very Josh. 

Because of the way training works we students simply need to go practice, or “time build”. We need to get to a certain number of hours to be able to take the next test. Currently I’m working on getting the necessary time under the view limiting devices for by Instrument Rating, and then I’ll need another 100+ hours to get to the minimums for the commercial rating. And after that is the long climb to 1500 hours to have enough that insurance companies will let you get hired by the big companies!

So we just go out and fly around and practice. The other night we went to 7 different airports all around the DFW area, just to practice our approaches to landing. While we were out I had my safety pilot, Breck, take a quick picture so at least I’d have something to show you:

Don’t worry, I can see the things I need to see…

Last night I did my required long cross-country (250 nautical miles, landings at three different airports) with my instructor Nathan. We were out for 4.1 hours, and we were on an actual flight plan for the first time. Between air traffic control telling us exactly where to go, and using the autopilot to stick to the path given to us, there’s not a lot of hand-on-the-yoke flying that actually happened. Seems like cheating, but in practice learning how to utilize the autopilot and stick to the dictated route is a large part of learning to fly the big planes!

On one of our night flights I did sneak a peek outside for a minute and grabbed a (blurry) picture:

I love flying at night, it’s just pretty.

I’ll be done with the required simulated-instrument time after just one more flight, and we’ll go to taking turns, so I should get the chance to appreciate the view a bit more soon. (I took Bevin out for her first night flight on Sunday and it was great to be able to look out across the city while we flew over it.)

Back to work on preparing for the instrument rating test, coming up soon!

License to Learn acquired!

Exactly 3 months after my first flying lesson I started my final exam to become a certified Private Pilot. June 19th 2024 to September 19th 2024. We completed the oral portion of the exam on the 19th successfully after a couple of hours in a conference room with me answering questions about flight planning, rules and regulations, decision making, etc…

We were going to do the flight portion the same day, but due to weather and scheduling it took a few days to finish the actual flying portion of the exam, and that got done on September 22nd 2024.
I’m going to count it as a 3 month journey though!

Standing in front of the plane with my examiner
As is tradition, you get your temporary paper certificate and take a picture with the examiner in front of the plane.

It was a great morning to go fly, definitely worth getting up early for. The air at 7AM is lovely and smooth, no crazy thermals yet, and the winds haven’t picked up.

Screenshot of the flight track from Foreflight
The flight track from Foreflight.

We did our landings first because there was nobody else flying yet really, and it was great to get that done in the super smooth morning air. It’s much easier to get super accurate soft landings when the hot texas sun hasn’t heated up the ground and started creating thermals yet. Then we took off on our simulated cross-country flight, and pretended to do a diversion to an unfamiliar airport. Navigated to that successfully, and we started doing some maneuvers. Everything went really well, but by the end when we were doing our S-Turns the winds and thermals were starting to pick up so it started getting a little tough. You can see the S-Turn over there on the upper left though, it doesn’t look too bad! Then we headed home! Long as you can land the plane safely it’s a pass, no pressure now!

After the landing, the examiner asked me if I was left handed. I’m not, so he asked if I was left-eye dominant. I am! He diagnosed this as the cause of why I’m always slightly to the left on my landings. Which, in retrospect, I should’ve absolutely realized. Cross-dominance has always been a problem for me with shooting as well! Next time I land I’ll close my left eye for a second to check my alignment, and I should be able to land dead center. The good news is that left-eye dominance means I won’t have any trouble staying right on centerline when I’m an instructor and sitting in the right seat.

Standing in front of the plane with instructor Nathan with my new license!
My instructor Nathan showed up to make sure everything went well and get a picture too!

What this means

The Private pilot certificate is the first level of license you get. This allows me to fly on my own, pretty much anywhere I want to, as long as the weather conditions allow it. I can’t fly in weather that prevents me from seeing the ground or requires use of instruments. I can only fly up to 18,000′ above sea level. I can’t get paid to fly at all, but I can carry passengers now!

And starting tomorrow we start learning to fly with instruments only! (IFR)
Once I get that certificate too I’ll be able to fly even when there are clouds and I can’t see the ground. After that comes the Commercial certificate, which will allow me to get paid to fly airplanes. Both of these next certificates require largely “time building”, or just practice. For example the biggest chunk of the requirements to get your IFR certificate is having 50 hours of practice doing cross-country flight. (Anywhere over 50 miles away from your starting airport.) So it’s time to get out there and do some flying!

Private Pilot wings

After we were all done with the exam instructor Nathan and the school owner Torrey gave me a pin. I earned my wings! 🙂

The Private Pilot certificate is commonly called your “License to Learn”, because now you’re at a stage where you’ve still got a lot to learn. There’s a lot of things I’ve barely experienced, or haven’t experienced at all. So the main idea now is to try and get that practice, and try and get exposure to as many things as possible! Try flying into unfamiliar airports, try navigating in areas you don’t recognize landmarks for, learn to fly some different planes, learn to fly around mountains and over water, all sorts of fun things.


In my 3 months of training I have logged 48 flying lessons, 3 ground lessons (I did most of the ground school stuff as self-study before I even started flying), and my total logged time flying the plane is 79.9 hours as of the end of the 1.3 hour checkride.

56.8 hours (34 flights) were in Piper Warrior PA-28-161s.
10.5 hours (7 flights) were in Piper Cherokee 180s.
12.6 (7 flights) were in a Cessna 172.

23 flights (36.2 hours) were with my primary instructor Nathan, 13 flights (22.6 hours) were with my secondary instructor Edwin, and 3 flights (5.2 hours) were with Maddie, who, being one of our mechanics as well as an instructor, schooled me on how to best keep the planes happy and healthy! All in all that makes 64 hours of instruction received.
I flew 9 flights, for a total of 14.6 hours, solo.

I have landed the plane a total of 269 times, 195 of which were touch-and-gos where we land and just take back off again.

Nautical Miles

In a comment on my last post Marcia asked about Nautical miles. It’s a good question, so here’s the quick answer:

A statue mile is 5,280 feet. A nautical mile is slightly longer at 6,076 feet.

Both ships and airplanes use Nautical miles rather than the regular (“Statute”) miles for navigation because we talk about navigating over very large distances where the curvature of the earth starts to matter. A nautical mile is based on the size of the earth at the equator. If you were to look down at the earth from above the north pole and imagine the circle of the equator. Divide that circle into 360 degrees. These are the lines of longitude you might be familiar with. Take the space between any two of those degree lines and divide it into 60 smaller lines. These are called “minutes of arc”, and that’s a nautical mile. 60 nautical miles * 360 degrees of longitude means it’s 21,600 nautical miles to go all the way around the equator.

And a “knot” is miles-per-hour in nautical miles. So 60 knots is 60 nautical miles per hour, or 1 degree of longitude per hour, which means it would take you 360 hours, or 15 days to go all the way around the equator at that speed.

So basically navigation over long distances uses “Nautical” miles because they divide more easily into the latitude and longitude lines on the map, and makes it easier to go back and forth between GPS coordinates and distances.

Just one of those weird things that you do to make life easier when you have to deal with living on a sphere rather than a nice flat map.

A report from the wild black yonder…

Flight turned out to be exactly 3 hours, 275 nautical miles, and 13 landings!

A FlightAware map of my night cross-country and landings.

What the map doesn’t show is that we flew right through 2 really busy airspaces. Right in the middle there, just below the lower green line, is DFW. We went right over it! And just to the right of that you can see Love Field too. First time I’ve had commercial airliners flying under me!

Can’t really get good pictures from a cell phone, but I couldn’t not take one or two at least.

Downtown DFW and Love Field from 3500' above.
Love Field hiding in the dark shadow just right of the tall DFW buildings.

You can only really tell its downtown by looking for the blue and green building lights right about center.

KDFW at night from 3500' above
Just ahead of us is the DFW Airport!

Each one of those little islands of light in the dark are 2 DFW terminals, with a freeway running left-right between them.

Probably the biggest lesson of my first cross-country night flight is that airports are hard to see from the side! Thank goodness for GPS.

We flew down to Terrell and did a stop-and-go, and then flew right across DFW to Alliance and did more landings there. Their runway is huge, and also very well lit, which made it pretty easy. When a flock of 767s showed up we went out to Decatur and did a few more there on a not-large and not-well-lit runway for quite a different experience. Then came home and did a few more at Denton to get ourselves to 3 hours. 9:11PM to 12:11AM!

Was definitely a good first experience with night flying. Looking forward to when we do more night flying for the instrument-flying training!

Solo from another angle

Got a couple of videos and pictures of my first solo from my instructor.

He’s done this a number of times before, but I imagine at least the first few times you send a student off on their own it must be a little nerve wracking to watch.

Here are the videos of me taking off and then coming back! We have two runways at Denton and the larger closer one is closed for re-paving this month, so I’m off on the smaller one in the distance. Don’t worry, I’m well clear of all those dirt piles and construction trucks. 🙂

And off into the sky I go!
Silky smooth landing…

There’s a tradition in aviation of cutting off a student’s shirt tails after their first solo.
Back in “the day” most training aircraft had seats front-and-back rather than side-by-side, and the student sat in front. The instructor would tug on the student’s shirt tails to get their attention so they could give them instructions via hand signal. Cutting off the student’s shirt tail became a tradition that meant that the student was ready to fly on their own without the instructor tugging on them all the time.

Considering how much more I’ve learned just in the few days since then, I’m not sure that tradition wasn’t a bit premature! 😀

Josh getting his shirt tails cut off
Bye bye shirt tails!
Josh and instructor Nathan holding removed shirt tail in front of airplane.
N2112G is now officially my favorite plane to fly.
Josh holding his shirt tails in front of the plane
It was a beautiful night to fly. 100% would do again, if you can’t tell by my grin.

And on top of all that it was instructor Nathan’s birthday! So we sent him off to have a birthday dinner and I helped one of other instructors push all the planes back in, all with my back hangin’ out since I left my other shirt in the car. 😀

And what did I do next? Went to see a movie with my buddy Bradley, who is learning to fly at a different school and had a big test the next morning. We needed a brain break, and Deadpool & Wolverine provided it!

The shirt I picked was one that I had brought home from my recent trip to Seattle to help clean out my grandfather’s apartment after he passed. The colors remind me of him, and I figured if I’m going to have parts of a shirt framed and hanging on my wall I might as well have two memories out of it! Grandpa spent almost his entire career working at Boeing and worked in different areas on various planes. I brought home most every memento that he had collected. The day before my solo, on my way out for that day’s flight I stopped and got the mail and got some items Mom had found and sent me. I had tossed them into my flight bag, and forgot to take them out. So these items went with me on my solo, as well as my next solo the next morning!

Grandpa had a collection of these sorts of things, presumably from events he went to. Other than the 777, I don’t actually know if he was involved in these specific programs or if he just went to the events, or maybe just bought them in the gift shop, I really don’t know! I picked a couple to show here because they’re from the year I was born, which seemed cool. 100th 767 on July 24th 1984, the 600th 747 on July 27th 1984, and the rollout of the first 737-300 January 17 1984, as well as a 777 pin, which was a program I know he worked on.

In other flying news, yesterday I flew to Ardmore Oklahoma and back, which is about 45 minutes one-way. We’re in the phase of training where we’re learning about how to plan and execute long cross-country trips. Pretty fun, and plenty more to learn!

Flying Solo

So last night was my first time flying a plane all by myself! That flight is one where you just take off, go around, land again, and do that twice more.

And lucky enough for me the plane was available again this morning early, so after a couple hours of sleep and pushing it back out of the hanger, I’m off again! 

This aircraft seems to be missing something…

Seems weird not to have someone sitting in the right seat! Plane actually feels pretty roomy this way!

Gonna make some circles

So for my first flight away from the airport by myself I’m just flying over the nearby lake Ray Roberts and the rural area on the north side. Just going to do some practice maneuvers, try and draw some shapes in the sky! Before I start though I needed to snap a picture. It’d be way to easy to just cruise and enjoy the view, but I gotta practice!

Cruising back to the airport

Winds were a little weird today, so my circles were not a great success. Had some other traffic as well which forced me to abort a few of them. Good practice though, and tons of fun.

Really crappy circles. S-turn was good though.

Next up, on Friday, is a cross-country trip up north to Ardmore and back.

I haven’t posted about this yet because so far it’s absolutely boring going around in circles and no time to take pictures. Some statistics though:

  • I now have 34.4 hours of time flying over 23 flights. Minus the 1.7 today and the 0.9 yesterday means I had my first solo at 31.8 hours, after 22 flights with instructors.
  • I have now landed a plane 114 times. It took about a hundred before I was consistently okay.
  • I have flown 5 different aircraft across 3 different types.
  • I’ve flown with two different instructors, split about evenly between them.
  • I don’t have mileage count, that’s not something that really gets tracked. For reference though today’s flight was about 150 miles. I’m probably at about 2500-3000 miles flown, never getting more than 50mi from the airport.

Now I’m stuck to the ground until Friday morning, which means it’s time to get back to studying the books! So much yet to memorize.

The longest day at the happiest place…

Disneyland Day 2, and the Spring Break fever is in full effect! Today we start with early-opening hours, and (spoiler alert) we go all the way until tomorrow!

We used our early-access time to get to the rides that we can’t “lightning lane” later, to get them while the line is short. The fun part about this is that these are three of the oldest rides: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, and Mr. Toad’s wild ride. We did Mr. Toad first. If you’re going to get sentenced to hell for theft you might as well get it out of the way early in the day. (Boy, Disney morality tales used to be dark! Yes, this is literally the plot of the ride.)

It’s actually pretty fun to do the old rides. They’ve definitely done some minor modernization to these, but for the most part they’re still very old-school original Disney. Personally I love that. Imagining what riding something like “Small World” was like when it was the height of technological entertainment is fascinating. And I love the way they had to be clever with things like mirrors to create effects, rather than the modern rides that just use projections and hidden TV screens.

In a similar vein, we also went on the old “20,000 Leagues under the sea” submarine ride, now with a Finding Nemo overlay over it instead.

I remember being so fascinated by this ride when I was a kid, even without the Nemo and friends aspects! The illusion of diving under the ocean was so fascinating! There was another party with a 5-ish year old in the same ride vehicle with us, and the kid’s surprised exclamations, as well as slight terror at one point, really made me smile.

After our morning snack it’s time for a whirlwind through some more rides! Lightning Lane to the rescue, so we don’t have to stand in lines for too long!

Yes, we’re wearing sunglasses on space mountain. What of it?

Actually it was a test. I had decided I disliked how bright this version of space mountain is, due to the cool star-projector effect. Matt suggested sunglasses might dim it down enough that you get more of the “AHH, WHERE IS THIS COASTER TAKING US?!” feeling.

He was definitely right, however we decided that it dims down the colors too much, and the stars effect is too nice to cover up. Next time: no sunglasses.

Julian has heard from the internet that buying the cheesy pretzel roll from the snack shop by Matterhorn, and then going to Adventure Land to buy meat skewers and putting them on the pretzel roll is quite good. Can confirm: was tasty. Worth another back-and-forth all the way across the park.

After lunch it was time for our mid-day break. Spring-break crowds are in full force right now and the park is a bit crowded, plus apparently we’re all old and infirm.

After a bit of a rest we head back to the park via the monorail!

The Disneyland monorail is much smaller than the World version. Both the monorail network, and the physical cars themselves. But it offers some fun views of the park, and it’s better than walking back!

Time to do Small World, because, well, you have to? You can’t SKIP Small World!

It’s interesting that this version has both more Disney IP (Lion King and Nemo characters, Snow White, Aladdin, etc…) and possible better audio.

Spinal re-alignment is once again necessary, so we’ll ride the matterhorn! Dune has been the topic of humor for us lately, so Matt screaming “THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED!” as we go through the cave after the Yeti was pretty damn funny.

Time to leave Switzerland and head off-planet for more Star Wars adventure! Rise of the Resistance is an amazing ride. You start out walking through a cave complex, and then you board a spaceship to escape!

After you get on the shuttle, it takes off for your adventure… And then you get back OFF the shuttle as a prisoner!

It’s such a fun ride. The entire Star Wars land is themed so well. The only thing they couldn’t theme properly is the fact that in the “real” place there should be two suns overhead. Someday they’ll figure that one out too I’m sure.

Off to pilot the Millennium Falcon!

Next up, more food, before we have food.

Bevin demanded Beignets…

What you really need after a bunch of sugar is a roller coaster! Fortunately for us Big Thunder Mountain is right there!

We made the choice to keep our reservation and go back to Oga’s Cantina for some drinks rather than watch the fireworks, and decided to make a quick detour to the Storybook Land ride. It’s a simple outdoor boat ride through miniatures of a bunch of the Disney stories. Basically: Baby’s First Jungle Cruise.

What we DIDN’T know was that if you’re on the boat when the fireworks start, they stop the boats and you sit there watching the fireworks from inbetween the close fireworks by the castle and the ones further back. You don’t get the audio from the show, but fortunately for us we got stopped right by the Agrabah miniature, so we got to listen to “A Whole New World” over and over while being in the middle of fireworks. It was actually surprisingly fun!

The cast members in here are really fun. There’s a drink called a “Fuzzy Tauntaun” which has a foam on the top of it that has a numbing agent that makes your tongue a tingly and slightly numb. The bartender here was giving the customers at the table a hard time for asking for a straw for their Fuzzy Tauntaun. He kept turning on his headlamp and watching them to make sure they were drinking it without a straw. And there are some little easter eggs that they do too. Poor DJ R3X.

I didn’t get any more pictures here because we were busy singing and clapping to songs and such… Here’s the main playlist for the cantina though, if you want to sing along with us!

(There’s also a 2nd album, but it’s new and doesn’t get used as much.)

After Oga’s it’s now 11PM and we have time for a few more late-night rides! We didn’t actually walk through Swiss Family Robinson, but it looked cool, sadly the camera didn’t really get it. And as usual, on Indiana Jones, Emily looked into the Idol’s eye and doomed us all.

Matt opted out of this one after sugar and drinking and Emily stayed with him. Amusingly, the car we were supposed to get into had to be taken offline because the previous rider had, perhaps, had a little too much to drink before riding? Whoops.

It’s now almost midnight. Just as we get off the ride the park officially closes. It’s still both surprisingly busy, and quite empty. By time we reach the exit gate it’s after midnight, and we started at 7AM. This may actually be my record for longest Disney day ever? Sweet!

What a fun day! Fortunately we don’t have to get up at 5:30 in the morning, our breakfast isn’t until 8:45. I think we all hit the pillow and crashed as soon as we got back.

In case you were curious about the DVC 2-bedroom suite at the Disneyland hotel, here are a couple more pictures, as well as pictures of the rest of the art in our Fantasia themed room!

Breakfast was at the neighboring hotel, the Pixar Place. The restaurant theme was “Maple”, so there were maple donuts, maple bacon, etc… We will all be in food comas for the entire trip home.

After getting back to the room and packed up we waited around a little while before heading to the airport. Of course this meant more playing with lightsabers!

After that it was a ride to the airport, and home we all go!

Well that was Disneyland! An excellent 4 day adventure. As Julian says we “sucked the marrow from it’s bones”. I think he’s right, we did pretty much everything possible to do! And now most of us get to return home and go back to work in the morning. Matt and Emily were smart and get an extra day off.

Here’s a couple more pictures that were leftovers that didn’t get uploaded in the right order!

Lastly, Esme has been quite upset while I sit and write up this blog post at home, she very much wanted me to be playing in a sunbeam with her in the kitchen instead, and is now angrily snuggling on my lap.

So what’s our next adventure going to be? Currently the next scheduled vacation is in 2025, but we’ll try not to make you wait that long!

Further Adventures in California

Day 3, we’re back to California Adventure for… more adventure?

Our adventure started with…. standing in line. Unfortunately the one ride that we wanted to get to early (because the line gets very long) was having problems, and after we used our entire early-admission period waiting for it, they finally said they weren’t going to open for a while and kicked everyone out of line. Oh well, it was worth a try! So we poked around Cars land!

After that we went to Pixar Pier and road the Incredi-coaster! This one is the one Bevin didn’t want to go on, because it goes upside-down briefly. But she went! We had fun, there was screaming.

Didn’t get too many more pictures in the morning. We moved fast and zipped around the park doing rides while it wasn’t super busy yet. The cloudy weather seems to dampen everyone’s spirits around here. Worked great for us though! As usual we went pretty fast the first part of the day, and then came back for a break after lunch, and then went into the park for the evening. Both parks here have sections that are really beautiful after dark, so we always want to make sure that we have plenty of energy to spend the time in the evening.

After we were done in the park for the evening we stopped by Trader Sam’s tiki bar on the way back for a little while before turning in for the night.

Matt and Emily sharing a drink that comes in a bowl: the Uh’oa. Possibly named for the “uh oh…” sound that is universally made when it is delivered.

Matt and Emily’s drink was fun. It arrived, was lit on fire, and then they sprinkled cinnamon on the flame (causing sparks) to appease… pele perhaps? Anyway, gods were appeased, and drinks were had. Everyone wins.

The two sugary non-alcoholic concoctions Bevin ordered for us caused almost as much “uh oh!!” as Matt and Emily’s drink! Also bonus like Ukelele player!

I also had a Dole Whip. Delicious pineapple soft-serve, with pineapple juice over it.

And then sleeping. Early to bed, early to rise, for tomorrow we go back to Disneyland proper again!

Day 1 in the Happiest Place on Earth

We had a mixed sunny/drizzly day today, so we got a few more pictures!

We bounced around the park a lot, it was a 20,000+ steps day. We managed to do a lot of stuff and not stand in too many lines though, so it was worth it!

We had lunch at Blue Bayou, the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean, which was fantastic. Julian gets up very early in the morning months in advance to get us the best reservations so we can do things!

We didn’t get to see the fireworks because there were winds so they cancelled the fireworks portion of the show, but otherwise it was a great day. Didn’t get rained on too much, didn’t have any significant difficulties getting the rides we wanted. Very successful.

The build-a-lightsaber experience was fun. Matt and Emily both built their own, so we got to go in with them. Anyone who’s a major Star Wars fan will definitely enjoy the experience of building their own saber.

When we did the Millennium Falcon ride we did the “Chewy Mode” where instead of getting instructions you can understand you just get yelled at in Wookie for the whole ride.
So of course we ran into absolutely everything, and barely succeeded. But it was super fun.

Jungle Cruise after dark is always fun too. As we sailed past the gorillas “Anyone wearing yellow try not to sit still, and don’t make banana noises!” cracked me up.

After a long day we went back to our room and everyone crashed. Up extra early tomorrow for the resort-guest extra time!