Might be true…


Dinosaur ride seems to be stopped, we’re skipping out and moving on.

Our theory in the dinosaurs are hungry and eating guests at a higher that acceptable rate.

Kingdoms Schmingdoms

I just realized that two parks have the word “Kingdom” in the name. I almost got on the bus to the wrong kingdom!

There’s already a thin film that has formed on all of us. The humidity is real.


The hurricane-like rain is over. Now the only noise is the pitter patter of marketers telling us about how great a deal the Disney Vacation Club is.

Off the plane, onto the bus!

Magic bands on, on the bus, off to Saratoga Springs!

Flying into Florida is always fun. Such lovely big white fluffy clouds. Also: torrential downpours just on that one guy’s house. Lovely Florida weather.

To advertise or not to advertise…

What a silly question! Of COURSE advertise!

There is nowhere to sit in Houston that doesn’t have a flashing screen in front of you, and the chair bolted to the floor at a distance from the table designed to be uniformly uncomfortable for everyone.

Fortunately we weren’t there long. Off to Orlando!