Might be true…


Dinosaur ride seems to be stopped, we’re skipping out and moving on.

Our theory in the dinosaurs are hungry and eating guests at a higher that acceptable rate.

Off the plane, onto the bus!

Magic bands on, on the bus, off to Saratoga Springs!

Flying into Florida is always fun. Such lovely big white fluffy clouds. Also: torrential downpours just on that one guy’s house. Lovely Florida weather.

To advertise or not to advertise…

What a silly question! Of COURSE advertise!

There is nowhere to sit in Houston that doesn’t have a flashing screen in front of you, and the chair bolted to the floor at a distance from the table designed to be uniformly uncomfortable for everyone.

Fortunately we weren’t there long. Off to Orlando!

It is that time again…

No, not 2:30am, although yes, also that.

Welcome to Josh and Bev’s 2018 Orlando adventure! In thy picture you see everything staged by the door ready to roll out, while also attempting to carry poor sleepy Bev.

At least we can take a short taxi to the airport. Brian and Julian have already been driving for almost an hour.

Off to the airport!

Iced Coffee with 6 extra shots of irony…


Was out and about working today, and it turned out to be a bad day for it as I got kicked out of literally every Starbucks for the afternoon.

The irony of being asked to leave so they can have training about how not to ask people to leave amused me so much that it was worth it though.

The Cascade Station area has a distinct lack of coffee shops or places to hang out besides Starbucks.

From some alternate reality…

I was grabbing some maps for Unreal, and the MediaFire download page showed me this:

Uhhh.. Rule Britannia? God save the Queen, wot wot?

If I had to guess I’d say the  GeoIP: Mapping and GeoIP: Region services don’t have the same concept of regions/borders, and they just put the two plugins back to back on the page. It’s even possible that the two worked together correctly at one point, and one of them changed and now there’s this.

A good reminder to always go back and monitor the status of any 3rd party plugins on sites you’re running…

I blame Brian

It’s not my fault, I had to do it…

This is a nice tight little build, I really enjoyed putting it together! The actually-rolling wheels with really tight tolerances are pleasing.

I assembled the first bike per instructions and the second one freehand, so hopefully my pile of extras are truly extras and I didn’t miss anything.

Now if only I had a single shelf to display my collection on… Someday.

All in all this set is definitely worth it either if you’re a fan of TRON, or a fan of the LEGO Ideas series. Personally I love sets like this where every piece serves both form and function. Everything needed, nothing extra. The little details they included for faces, outfits, etc, are lovely little icing.

I wish I had a big collection of Lego pieces so I could build a Recognizer or something.


I was breaking down the shipping box and found this on the inside of one of the flaps. Nice.